In our everyday hustle and bustle, life can get overwhelming and we can easily lose sight of what really matters for our aakhirah. In an evocative programme led by Sister Kiran Umm Talha, we get a wake up call of what our life will look back like on the Day when we face our dear Lord and Creator, Allaah, subhaana wa ta’ala.
She reminds us that our limbs will speak on that Day and invites us to cultivate mindfulness and better habits by brainstorming what we would like each one to say. Perhaps you would like your arms to share about the times they spent cooking for your neighbours. Or you’d like your nose to say it stayed out of other people’s business! Whatever your goals, Sister Umm Talha lays out a guide for self-watching ourselves, spreading salaam, and becoming consistent in our remembrances of Allaah. Realign your tongue with your actions and your thoughts with your intentions as you re-envision what the rest of your life will be.