Bouncing Back and Striding Forward into 2025

Zohra is ahead of the curveball. There is nothing that comes her way which she can’t smoothly bat away with the grace of a Muslim woman. As a long-time member of MSA, she has dipped in and out of sporting groups over the years but after experiencing a major health change, life turned in a different direction. Healing became crucial, both mentally and physically so she set about reconnecting with her community to regain peace and courage. 

In the last year Zohra has become one of our most prominent members of the Positive Minds group, starting off as a participant and developing into a programme facilitator, spearheading the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ programme which explores the importance of combining Islamic practice and engaging in the world around us. She has embarked on a journey to heal her own mental health and those around her, proving that nothing is impossible if you put yourself in the driving seat and take control of your life. We caught up with her to learn more about her journey from student to master of the mind! 

Before joining MSA, what was your life like and what prompted you to make a change?

I joined MSA when the badminton classes were just beginning and really enjoyed attending the sessions with my daughter.  When her exams began, I attended a few other classes by myself for a while but eventually stopped altogether. I spent a number of years at home and hesitated to go out because I suffer from Meniere’s disease and vertigo. My confidence to leave home alone decreased which impacted my overall wellbeing and physical health. I knew that I really needed to make a change if I wanted to be mentally and physically healthy so I looked up MSA and saw that they were holding a picnic for the Photography group in the summer of 2023. I attended and received a very warm welcome but was still hesitant to join another class until January 2024. It was the Positive Minds group – and it was amazing. The atmosphere was really welcoming and the sisters’ encouragement was so genuine and kind that I felt at home and cared for straight away. It quickly became my favourite space for me-time.

Which MSA activities have benefitted you the most and why?

The most beneficial MSA activity has been Positive Minds because it was exactly what I needed at the right moment in my life. It provided me with a safe space to spend time with sisters who were getting together for the benefit of each other. All the topics of discussion were relevant and helped me to slowly examine how my own mental health had been impacted by my physical health, circumstances and thinking patterns. The information and activities provided by the charity Mind were also pertinent to the problems I had faced. Being able to sit and discuss with others in a friendly environment gave me hope to regain positivity and courage.

It is said that ‘your vibe attracts your tribe’ and it seems MSA members really took notice of you and encouraged you to pursue the activities you wanted. How can Muslim women achieve this sense of true sisterhood?

Sisterhood is such an essential ingredient of my happiness. Allah (swt) has blessed me with so much safety and support in my family and life masha’Allah, but life does send its tests and naturally I too have found some tests heavier than others.

Spending years muddling through my difficulties away from the outer world meant that I was limiting my outlook and never getting a break from myself! In Positive Minds, I met Salma many years after we had played badminton together. Her smile and bubbly laughter was the same even after facing great challenges herself. She is my role-model of positivity and perseverance and has been such a huge source of strength to me masha’Allah. She prompted me to put some of my skills into practice by suggesting I run a crafts session. A short while after she encouraged me to increase my confidence further by leading a series of sessions. She was never far from my side and set me at ease always following up with practical feedback and kind words of praise. 

I also had the pleasure and honour of befriending Shafia. From the time we met at the Photography picnic her genuine concern for my well-being really touched me. She never fails to make all sisters feel cared for and valued; enquiring after them, making jokes and raising their moods. She is also an attentive listener masha’Allah whenever a kind ear is needed.

I am also truly grateful to Shormin who has taken me to and from Positive Minds, always making sure I have a ride with her during which we would often discuss the session’s topics.

When Muslim women remember that we are all to return to our Lord and will take with us our actions of kindness, then we open a way to the truly beautiful and profound relationship of sisterhood. 

Your 4 week programme with Positive Minds focused on ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ which incorporated Islamic practices of dua (prayer) and tawakkul (trust in God). What feedback did you get from this?

There were several things that pushed me to run this programme; a wish to use what attending Positive Minds had taught me, to make a contribution to the group and to prove to myself that with Allah (swt’s) help and the input of the MSA sisters, my confidence had in fact improved. I also deeply believe that if Allah (swt) gives you a gift, you have a duty to share it and when others benefit He will reward you. It’s a win win.

I really enjoyed sharing the experiences that had strengthened my desire to increase in making dua and deepen my tawakkul. The sisters enjoyed hearing about a special journey of mine and we exchanged many life lessons about gratitude and being thankful for life’s small and big pleasures. Everybody said they particularly benefited from our outdoor gratitude walk, collecting autumn leaves in Valentine’s Park and making glass lanterns. Our contemplation of sunsets and sunrises alongside morning and evening adhkar (remembrance of God) was another activity the sisters mentioned was of deep significance. I tried to include over the four sessions, the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ as outlined by Mind: keep learning, connect, take note, give and be active. Wellbeing is achieved through activities, attitudes and company, all of which are generously shared in the Positive Minds sessions and throughout MSA overall.

How has Islam helped with your own mental health journey?

Islam is absolutely the central tool to my wellbeing. Knowing with certainty that God wants good for us and that He is The Most Merciful is key. Islam promotes only good. It’s all there for us to use and benefit from: positivity, sincerity, reward, ease after hardship, mercy, tests as a means of gaining strength, forgiveness, community…the list is endless.  To keep reminding myself of these immense blessings at times of difficulty or anxiety is essential.  I have much to learn and more to do to maintain consistency for my own wellbeing but I am blessed to be on this journey with my sisters. Alhumdulillah.

There are health conditions associated with age which can stop women from participating in sport and social activities. How has MSA helped you with this? 

Returning to exercise after a long break is hard as it is and returning with low confidence and self-esteem was too much for me. I realised that I needed to understand my personal barriers in order to overcome them. MSA is brilliant because it provides such a range of activities; physical sport, mental well-being and social activities, so I am convinced that I started in the right place.

Yashmin has grown MSA to a point that no matter how old you are or what stage you are in your life there is something here for you. She is continuing to spread opportunities for Muslim women that extend beyond sports and is really taking care of us. I can only encourage others to get involved and see what opportunities she has for you.  

Self-expression is said to be crucial in catharsis and reducing anxiety. Which activity did you find the most relief in and how can it help others?

I love all things arts and crafts. I make and occasionally sell greeting cards and also enjoy sewing and using watercolours, all of which I find soothing.  I joined the MSA Art Therapy course expecting to focus on art but it was so much more. Sisters were able to open up about their concerns, find kind attention from each other and also offer reassurance. When we sat to make art, I found a meaningful outlet for the anxieties I was carrying. As the weeks passed, I found that the regular time and the art became a means to better understand my negative triggers. I used my enjoyment to increase positive thoughts and dua’s which would help me feel stronger to cope with tests and I made an intention to seek more joy in my life, Alhumdulillah. This is definitely an activity that can help us all.  

What advice would you give to women wanting to make a fresh start in life?

Making a fresh start can be daunting for anyone. When you try it alone it can take such a long time and for me my biggest hurdle was my self-doubt. My first advice is to learn to understand yourself; what nurtures you, what hinders you and what you want to progress in. My second piece of advice would be to do it with a group.  There is no need to reinvent the wheel; find out what is available to you and use it. Use it, benefit from it and definitely add to it with your own contribution. MSA is the perfect place to start because the activities are varied. Most importantly the team is dedicated to supporting all sisters at any stage in life.

What’s next for you in 2025? What do you want to achieve?

I hope that in 2025 I can continue to work on bettering my mental health and make a measured difference to my physical health, insha’Allah. I pray that I can also increase my knowledge and practice of my faith. I would love to contribute more to Positive Minds and be consistent in an MSA sports class. I hope that I can spend more time on creativity too! Lastly but equally important, I want to be mindful in each task that I do and every interaction that I have so that I am living kindly and compassionately, to myself and those around me, insha’Allah.  Thank you to everyone at MSA for your generosity and dedication to our community.

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